Mood Chart 1.0.3 Update Available for Download

July 15, 2009

Apple has approved the version 1.0.3 update for Mood Chart. If you have Mood Chart already, you can update for free using iTunes. If you want to purchase the new version ($1.99), download from the iTunes App Store here.

Download Mood Chart from iTunes App Store

Download Mood Chart from iTunes App Store

Mood Chart Version 1.0.2 Coming Soon!

June 2, 2009

We released a 1.0.1 update to our Mood Chart application, and a few weeks after, we’ve submitted a version 1.0.2 for approval. There aren’t big changes, just some changes to the interface and improvements to performance.

We are working on some more major changes as well. Coming soon!

iPhone Application: Mood Chart

April 21, 2009


Noorl Software has submitted it’s first iPhone Application: Mood Chart

We are currently awaiting AppStore approval.

Noorl Software Website

April 20, 2009

Noorl Software is launching their website on this wordpress blog:

Thanks for visiting and checking out our software!